• "Okay, so then why are we here?” Simon queried. “And why now?” “To keep it from sinking, of course!” Jamal declared, “The Titanic will sail from Southampton in 1912. So….” “So we need to tell them to build it better than they did,” Cooper cut in. “A thicker hull. Taller bulkheads. Stronger materials.” “Seems like that model shipbuilding you and read more

  • “This gargantuan structure you see behind you,” Morgan continued, “in a matter of months, will be the most resplendent mode of transportation ever designed! She is the largest, the strongest, the fastest, and the most luxurious in the history of the world, and on the very oceans upon which she shall sail! Why, even the foghorn is the loudest of read more

  • “Yuck! I’m getting soaked!” “That’s because it’s raining, Maya,” said the quick-to-quip Cooper. “Ha-ha. No kidding, Mr. Comedian.” Chelsea wiped her face with the sleeve of her tee shirt. “Besides standing in a puddle on a sidewalk in the dark of night, do any of us have an idea where we’ve landed this time?” “I don’t know where, but I read more

  • “Wow,” said Cooper shaking his shaggy-hair head like a wet dog after running through a lawn sprinkler. “I guess a lot of people are trying to get out of the rain tonight, huh?” “Hey—it’s the sixties!” said Simon. “Maybe there’s a concert going on tonight.” “Yeah, like that one in Woodstock,” Chelsea said with a nod looking over her shoulder read more

  • “To hear a speech,” she answered as rain continued to pelt the roof. “Same as all these sanitation workers who’ve been on strike for over fifty days. Today is Wednesday, April 3, 1968. This is Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee.” Jamal took in a quick breath. “That’s where Dr. Martin Luther King made his famous ‘I’ve Been to the Mountaintop’ read more

  • “Whoa-whoa-whoa—hold up!” Cooper said grabbing her arm. “Hold up?” she said breaking his grasp. “Cooper, we don’t have time to waste! No O’Houlihan, Morgan, or ringing bell is going to stop us this time!” “Maya—Will you please wait a second to see what’s happening on the stage!” He pointed to the front of the auditorium. “Reverend Abernathy just got up read more