• “What is this place?” asked Gabby. “Where are we now?” Maya, apparently not having heard her, grinned from ear to ear as she pointed to the knitted socks which stretched from her ankles to her knees and right over the denim of her jeans. “Oh wow, I’ve always wanted a pair of these!” Gabby and Chelsea were wearing them too. read more

  • “We’re in the Ukraine,” said Maya. Mr. C nodded. “That’s right, in the Ukrainian town of Pripyat. That was the site of the Chernobyl nuclear plant. In the Eighties, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union.  You know. The U.S.S.R.—‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” “Okay, that’s all interesting and everything,” cried Cooper, “but do you know what’s really important right read more

  • They looked up at the men who were building the new reactor. They thought of the people who lived in the surrounding towns. They thought of the animals, too. A massive tragedy of unimaginable magnitude was headed their way. Jamal broke the silence. “Well, why are we just standing here, Trackers? We need to make sure that the meltdown never read more

  • The Trackers watched as Gorbachev shook hands with man who also seemed to be of some importance. This second man had a Chernobyl logo on his white lab coat. “I think that’s the plant manager,” Jamal guessed. “You’re right,” Mr. C replied. “Gorbachev is thanking him for the tour. He says that the nuclear power plant is good for the read more

  • “Where are we now?” Simon asks, pulling a leaf out of his hair. “At least it’s warm!” Another Imagination Tree sits in the center of a medium-sized park, with a fountain, a hot dog stand, and a paved path full of people of all ages, some of whom are on roller blades. Long tables with old books and crafts for read more

  • “Could I challenge that guy to a chess match before we go?” Jamal asks Mr. C. “I’ve been studying my opening moves.” “And I wouldn’t mind checking out the books for sale,” Gabby says. “Me, too,” Chelsea says, eyeing a stack of comics. “And I wouldn’t mind one of those water dogs,” Cooper says. “All this time traveling makes a read more

  • Chelsea and the others look surprised. They haven’t seen him confront anyone like this before. But Mr. C definitely doesn’t like people getting taken advantage of. “No, it ain’t,” the guy says, plucking the bills from the newly-married couple’s outstretched hands. “I’m here every Monday, making an honest living like anyone else.” The crowd surges forward as the guy calls read more

  • “What’s he looking at?” Chelsea asks. She turns to Mr. C for an answer, but his face has gone pale. All of a sudden she knows the truth. They’re still back in time! Her eyes go wide. “The twin towers are still here, aren’t they?” The others gasp. Jamal sits down hard on the ground. Maya bursts into tears. Chelsea read more