“Could I challenge that guy to a chess match before we go?” Jamal asks Mr. C. “I’ve been studying my opening moves.”

“And I wouldn’t mind checking out the books for sale,” Gabby says.

“Me, too,” Chelsea says, eyeing a stack of comics.

“And I wouldn’t mind one of those water dogs,” Cooper says. “All this time traveling makes a kid hungry!”

“I think we should wait until—” Mr. C starts, but he’s drowned out by cheers when someone wins at the card table.

“Anyone else want to give it a try?” the stocky man calls out in a booming voice.

“Chess can wait, be right back!” Jamal calls out as he and the other boys dash over to the table.

Mr. C. sighs. “C’mon. We better make sure they don’t get themselves in trouble.”

Maya reluctantly turns away from the painter and they join the crowd.

“Don’t take your eye off the queen,” the man behind the table calls out. He lifts the edge of one card to show the Queen of Hearts, then turns it back down and slides the three cards around, back and forth, in and out until they’re in a different order. Then he spreads his hands wide and asks, “So where is she?”   

“On the left!” Jamal shouts out. The man looks up, smiles wide to reveal one gold tooth, and flips the card over. The queen! The crowd cheers and a few people hold out their palms. The man dutifully places five dollars in each open hand.  

“Who wants to try again?” he asks. “Double or nothing? I’ll even put a little bend in the corner of the card. Make it easier to spot.” He creases the card and places it back down.

“Man, I wish I had some cash!” Jamal says. “This is easy money!”

A young couple in the front wearing matching Just Married t-shirts eagerly pull out ten dollars each.

Mr. C steps between the couple and the card dealer. “It’s a scam,” he warns the couple. “Keep your money. You never win twice.”

The card dealer scowls. “Hey mister, mind your own business.”

 “Three Card Monte is banned in New York City,” Mr. C says. “You’re lucky I’m not turning you in.”