“And calling ourselves the Jersey Trackers doesn’t make us trackers unless we get on the trail and find those seeds!” Mr. C. told them. “Now let’s get tracking!”
They climbed the front steps, making plans out loud for what part of the library grounds they were heading for.

Jamal and Chelsea decided to search around the outside of the building because they figured if the Jersey Devil had a hand in this mystery, he would have really stood out if he’d gone inside the building.

Maya and Simon thought they would work together. “Maybe we’re wrong about it being the Jersey Devil. Maybe it’s about him,” Simon explained. “Let’s go search for clues in the folklore section,” he added.

Gabby didn’t say where she was heading but she sure was in a hurry to get there.

“Where are you going, Gabby?” asked Cooper.

“635,” she told him, not slowing down.

Cooper hurried to catch up with her. “6:35? What are you talking about? It’s not even 2 o’clock yet.”

“It’s not a time – it’s a Dewey Decimal number; 635 – the gardening section. We’re looking for seeds, right? What better place to look than the books on gardening?”

“Great idea! Can I come with you?” Cooper asked.

“Sure,” Gabby told him. “Just keep your eyes peeled for anything that might lead us to seeds or the Jersey Devil or anything suspicious.”

They were in the Children’s Department now and Gabby found the non-fiction section easily. She ran one hand along the shelved books and read the call numbers to herself in a whisper. Finally she stopped so suddenly that Cooper bumped into her.