Chelsea scanned the horizon and nodded. “I think you’re on to something, Jamal.”

“And look, Chels,” observed Jamal as they walked further along the trail. “The pinecones are arranged in a row, pointing straight ahead. Someone must have placed them here on purpose.”

“Or some thing,” whispered Chelsea as she suspiciously peeked at the rustling sea grass. “Do you think it’s a sign from …you know who?”

Jamal and Chelsea’s eyebrows flew up as they locked eyes. “Mr. C! Mr. C!” they screamed, “We found the clue!”

From the top of the lighthouse, Mr. C had just spotted it through his binoculars and immediately began waving and calling everyone in. The Trackers clamored up the iron spiral staircase to the top of Cape May Lighthouse. After they caught their breath, they all took turns looking through the binoculars. From this height, they could clearly see that the pinecones were lined up in an arrow.

“What direction is the arrow pointing, Mr. C?” asked Gabby.

“I’d say north for sure, maybe a bit northwest,” answered Mr. C.

What’s up there?” asked Cooper.

“I think I know,” answered Simon seriously. “Jamal, let me see that pinecone.”

Jamal handed Simon the pinecone from his pocket. “Hmmm,” said Simon as he carefully examined it. “I’d say this pinecone came from the Pine Barrens.”

“THE PINE BARRENS!!!” everyone screamed.

“But Simon,” asked Gabby, her voice trembling, “isn’t that where the…the…Jersey Devil lives?”

“According to my father who’s a professor of Legends and Folklore Studies at Rutgers, the Jersey Devil was born in 1735 on Leeds Point. He is the thirteenth child of Mother Leeds, and has made the Pine Barrens his home ever since. I’ve been camping there with my father many times.”