Jamal and Chelsea took the path that led into the overgrown center of the Observatory as dark clouds thickened overhead.

“This seems like the most likely place where the Jersey Devil would leave a clue,” surmised Jamal. “The marsh grass is so tall no one would see him.”

Chelsea agreed as they walked deeper and deeper into the Observatory.

“Jamal, you’ve studied New Jersey birds and their habitat. See anything unusual?” asked Chelsea as the wind whistled through the marsh grass. Just then a large flock of birds flew toward them, forming a big dark swarm.

“Chelsea, look!” yelled Jamal, pointing toward the birds. “What’s that big dark thing flying in the middle of that flock?”

“Look in your book. Maybe you can identify it.”

“Ah…there’s nothing in my bird book with horns, bat wings and a forked tail like that!” shouted Jamal.

Suddenly the dark swarm dipped and swooped, disappearing behind a thick cloud. Chelsea blinked. “We must be seeing things,” she said.

“Ah, I don’t think so, Chels!” warned Jamal, pointing at the ground. “Look at that!”

“Stop it, Jamal! You’re spooking me out! It’s just a pinecone.”

Jamal picked up the pinecone and studied it. “But this pinecone doesn’t belong in a coastal habitat like Cape May Point. Look around. There aren’t any pine trees big enough to produce this pinecone,” explained Jamal as he tucked the pinecone in his pocket.