Maya crouched behind Gabby’s shoulder watching her fingers fly on the keyboard. “Look—there!” she pointed. “I knew it! Ella Fitzgerald!”

“Okay,” said a puzzled Gabby. “Ella Fitzgerald. So?”

“I’m beginning to see the light.”

“Uh . . . what?”

“One of her songs—‘I’m Beginning to See The Light.’ We’re on the right track, get it?”

“Sort of. Is that the clue?”

Maya smiled. “Big clue. My dad plays her records all the time. I’ve been listening to her since forever. I remember a song from one of her albums—it’s called . . . Imagination.”

Gabby turned her head to Maya and gave a wink. “Brilliant, Girl! Let’s find the song and listen to the lyrics.”

“Don’t have to. I’ve heard them a thousand times.”

Maya closed her eyes and started humming softly.

“Words, Maya—words!”

“Imagination is crazy . . . your whole perspective is . . . hazy . . . imagination is silly . . . you go around willy-nilly . . .”

“Willy-nilly. No kidding. The Devil’s got us going all over New Jersey,” interrupted Gabby, showing excited impatience. “How about giving me something we don’t know and that will lead us to the next clue?”