“Sir, I know that may sound odd,” continued Mr. C to his fellow librarian, “But my Trackers and I are on a mission looking for an extremely important clue that could have serious and long consequential effects if we are not able to solve this mystery. All we know for sure, is that the fate of many and this university is hidden in a clue somewhere in this library!”

“Oh my!”

“It might be a song . . . a lyric . . . a performer . . .”

“Perhaps it might be beneficial to narrow your search by first concentrating on our five archival collections?”

“Sounds reasonable.” Mr. C turned to the Trackers. “What do you think, kids?”

“Gabby and I will handle ‘Women in Jazz’,” piped up Maya, first to volunteer.

“Fine. Chelsea and Jamal—you take Oral History. Simon, you handle Benny Goodman; Coop, you’ve got Benny Carter. And I’ll take on the Williams Collection. Okay, Trackers—let’s get to it. And fast. Remember, we don’t have much time and we have to find those seeds before the ceremony on Sunday.”

“You got it, Mr. C,” said Simon as the group scattered.

“Maya? Do you have an idea what you’re looking for?” whispered Gabby as she followed her friend to a study station, knowing her fellow Tracker had a good knowledge of music—especially jazz.

“I’m not sure . . . but . . . pull up the information on the Women’s Collection,” Maya said as Gabby settled down in front of a computer screen.