Cooper jumped in. “Oh! Let me guess! Mount Rushmore?”

“Not even close,” Gabby said.

“The Statue of Liberty?”


“The Empire State Building? Yankee Stadium? The White House?”

“No. No. And no but at least you’re getting warmer. Henry Bacon, the man who designed this library building also designed the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.”

“That’s the one with that giant statue of Abraham Lincoln sitting in a giant chair, right?” Cooper asked.

“Ri-i-i-ght. . . ” said Gabby.

Jamal said, “That reminds me of something Lincoln once said. How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?

“Well, that’s easy,” said Cooper, “five.”

Jamal shook his head. “No – four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.

Cooper and the others nodded their heads slowly, taking in the truth of that statement. Mr. C. broke the silence.