She tore herself away, only to be distracted by another sign that said, Dig for Fossils!


“C’mon, my rock-loving friend,” Maya said, linking her arm in Chelsea’s. “The guide is ready to take us into the mine.”

Chelsea laughed at the nickname and let Maya lead her around the building toward a set of high green doors. The other Trackers were waiting. “Find any dinosaur bones?” Cooper joked.

“We don’t have dinosaur bones here,” said a tall woman wearing a name tag that read Miss Malone, Tour Guide. “But we do have dinosaur tracks preserved in stone in the museum out back.”

The kids’ jaws dropped. “There were dinosaurs in New Jersey?” Gabby asked. She whipped out her notebook and jotted that down.

Miss Malone laughed. “Yup. You could be standing right where a dinosaur once stood.”