The New Jersey Center for the Book advances a dynamic literary agenda across the state and beyond by creating and championing initiatives that reach out to the diverse community of New Jersey, by calling attention to the state’s pride in its literary heritage and treasures through the designation of literary landmarks, by engaging partners in exciting programs, and by sponsoring grants to encourage initiation of new programs across the state.

Literary Landmarks

From time to time the Center for the Book designates as a state Literary Landmark those places or monuments that are points of pride for New Jersey in recognizing their place the history of literature and literacy in all its forms – poetry, prose, book arts, scientific literacy, and digital, as well as their contribution to the culture of the state.

National Book Festival

The New Jersey Center for the Book has participated in the National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. sponsored by the Library of Congress for several years. The NJCB joins other Center for the Book designees in the Pavilion of States exhibiting a display that highlights the NJCB’s activities over the past year that have engaged the citizens of New Jersey in literacy programs and activities.

Special Programs & Events

The New Jersey Center for the Book mounts special programs over the course of the year to celebrate state-wide or national anniversaries or events, or on topics of general interest that are opportunities to engage the broader community in literacy-related activities in a variety of disciplines.

Grant Opportunities

The NJ Center for the Book may provide grant opportunities for libraries, organizations, or individuals in the state for programs, events, and/or activities that support the Center’s broad mission to “celebrate books, reading, libraries, and the diverse literary heritage of New Jersey.” All opportunities for such grants will be posted on this website, as will the reports of previous awards.