Mr. C and Pascal came over to shake hands with the professor so Chelsea and Jamal said quick thank yous and went off to join the others at the blackboard. Maya pointed to the single symbol in purple chalk. “It’s Pi! Remember we learned that in math class last year?”

“That’s right!” Simon said. “It’s how you find out the area of a circle, I think, but I’m not sure how it works?” Then Pascal and Mr. C joined them at the board. Pascal said, “Pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference—the distance around the outside of a circle—to its diameter—the distance across the middle of the circle. For any size circle, that number is approximately 3.14. It’s a very important tool for math and science. Otherwise there would be a lot of lopsided circles!”

Jamal turned to Simon. “Are there any circles on campus that you know of? Maybe we’re supposed to find one.”

Simon shook his head. “There are squares, like grassy areas with buildings around them, but I can’t think of any circles.”

They turned back to the symbol. “Maybe it has something to do with the number?” Gabby suggested. “The 3.14 part?”

“Here at Rutgers 3.14 is Pi Day,” the professor called out, overhearing the question. “Every March 14th the kids bake all kinds of pies. Some of them aren’t very good! Tuna fish pie!” She shuddered. The group giggled.

“Any pie is a good pie,” Cooper insisted. “Especially apple. Now that’s all I’m going to be able to think about!”

“You just finished a huge apple pie shake,” Maya pointed out.

Cooper grinned. “And your point is?”

Chelsea suddenly remembered something. She felt around in her pockets and pulled out the flyer the college student had thrust at her. “Look!” she pointed at the list of activities for Field Day.

“Hey Mr. C!” Gabby said, pointing to the first item. “There really is a potato sack race!”

Chelsea waved the flyer. “Yes, but look at the next one!”

The group leaned closer. “A pie-eating contest?” Maya asked. Then her eyes widened. “Ohhh! A pie-eating contest! Could that be where we’re supposed to go?”

“If it’s not,” Cooper said, “at least we can eat some pie and win a prize!”

“Good luck, kids!” the professor called after them as they ran out of the lecture hall.