“To hear a speech,” she answered as rain continued to pelt the roof. “Same as all these sanitation workers who’ve been on strike for over fifty days. Today is Wednesday, April 3, 1968. This is Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee.”

Jamal took in a quick breath. “That’s where Dr. Martin Luther King made his famous ‘I’ve Been to the Mountaintop’ speech.”

“His last speech,” Maya said in barely a whisper.

“Oh no,” said Gabby. “That means tomorrow is April 4—The day Dr. King was killed!”

“That’s why we’ve been sent here!” said Chelsea. “We have to save Dr. King! We have to warn him!”

Cooper groaned. “Guys, do you see all the people here? How are we going to talk to Dr. King?”

Maya focused her eyes again on the stage. “Okay, so maybe we can’t warn him… But we’ve got a pretty good chance to warn someone else. Someone Dr. King trusts. Look—first row—behind the rostrum with all the microphones. That’s Reverend Ralph Abernathy! He’s one of Martin Luther King’s best friends.”

“Maya’s right,” said Simon. “I recognize him too. He helped Dr. King organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott back in the 50’s.” He gulped. “He was in the room at the Lorraine Motel when Dr. King was shot.”

“We have to get down to that stage right now and tell Reverend Abernathy not to let Dr. King walk out on to that balcony tomorrow!” Maya said turning for the stairwell. “Come on!

“Let’s go!”