• “There it is, kids,” Mr. C said proudly, standing on the sidewalk with his hands on his hips and a big smile on his face. “The new Applied Mathematics Building —the latest and greatest addition to Rutgers University!” It was a most impressive structure, all steel and glass and concrete, shining majestically in the midmorning sun. “It took them more read more

  • “Hello all!” she said cheerfully. “Hello there, Margie,” Mr. C replied for everyone, shaking her hand. “You are Mr. Carrel, the librarian and leader of this merry little band?” “I sure am. Ready for the big day?” “Well, I certainly hope so. We’ve got the cameras set up for the live video feed, a big table with lots of food read more

  • Pascal nodded. “Sure, sure. We stopped at the Student Center right before we were supposed to come here. He’d just got in from his long flight and really had to use the bathroom. So, into the Center he went, but after a few minutes I started getting worried. So I went in to find him, and he wasn’t anywhere. I read more

  • They reached the Student Center a few minutes later and filed inside. The men’s restroom was located at the end of the main hall. Mr. C told everyone to hold on, then ducked inside and came back out a moment later. “All clear,” he said, “no other customers. There is, however, something very interesting in there that I think you’ll read more

  • The kids clambered out of the bookmobile with Mr. C and Pascal, Dr. Newton’s assistant, who had tagged along. They all stood in front of a gigantic building. “Wow, I didn’t realize the Waksman Institute of Microbiology building was this huge,” declared Simon. “And look,” Chelsea added, pointing. “There are all the geese, hanging around on the front lawn, just read more

  • “I have something,” Simon said. The group gathered around him. Simon tapped to the name of a researcher on one of the posters. “Professor Apple. Get it?” “Get what?” Cooper said. “What does Professor Apple have to do with finding Dr. Newton?” “Simple,” Chelsea said. “The story is that Newton discovered gravity after getting bonked on the head with an read more

  • A woman wearing a white lab coat and gloves was bent over a tray. She looked up with a surprised expression. “Hold on a sec,” she said. “I need to cover these plates before they get contaminated.” “What are they?” Maya asked. “They look like clear hockey pucks.” Cooper swung an imaginary ice hockey stick. “Go, Scarlet Knights!” “They’re bacteria read more

  • Professor Apple picked it up and laughed. “This isn’t one of mine. In fact, these dark dots are drops of ink. And I would never leave purple smudges on a sterilized lab plate. Someone was playing a joke.” Everyone looked at Cooper. He held up his hands. “It wasn’t me.” Just then Pascal’s ears perked up. “Did you say purple read more

  • The Jersey Trackers had just gathered outside Waksman Institute of Microbiology by the bookmobile to wait for Mr. C and Pascal to catch up. Suddenly Jamal yelled, “Hey, look guys! I found a golf ball with a purple R on it!” “That can’t be right,” declared Chelsea. “The R should be red for Rutgers.” “Oh no! The Purple Math Dude read more

  • The Trackers hadn’t gone far down the service road when a gruff voice yelled, “Hey, where do you kids think you’re going? You can’t just walk onto the golf course!” A large, burly groundskeeper jumped out of his utility vehicle and scowled at the Trackers, then squinted his eyes and pointed right at Cooper. Cooper froze. Everyone grew silent. “I read more