• Mr. C got out of his car and started fast-walking across the parking lot. In the distance, he could see the library on the campus of Rutgers University. That was where he was headed on this blue and sunny day, and he was running late. His cellphone rang, and he took it out of his pocket without stopping. A quick read more

  • Mr. C’s heart began beating even harder. It was scary enough when he first heard that the president was visiting Rutgers. But it was ten times scarier when he found out that the president specifically asked to meet him and the other New Jersey Trackers! A few months earlier, the Trackers were involved in an unbelievable adventure that became known read more

  • “Well,” Mr. C said to his wife as he hurried along, “I don’t really know if I look like I didn’t get enough sleep. But I certainly didn’t!” “Why not?” “I had the strangest dream,” he said. Then he reached the library and rounded the corner. “I dreamed that I had to—” Suddenly the words died in his mouth, and read more

  • Mr. C went to the tree and studied it carefully. If I didn’t know any better, he thought, I’d say it was dying. He didn’t want to tell the kids this, however. They looked upset enough already. “But that’s not even the weirdest part,” Simon told him, and the other kids started nodding. “The weirdest part is—” “The dream,” Mr. read more

  • “Everyone ready? One...two...three!” The all reached out and put their hands on a different part of the tree. What happened next happened very fast. The world around them vanished, and a new one took its place. It was like in a movie, where one scene faded into another. “Wh...where are we?” Jamal asked. “I have no idea,” Chelsea said. “But read more